Thursday, December 27, 2007

so THIS is christmas!

Jaeden is thinking "next year, I'll be standing too."
Jaeden's very first Christmas present! He wonders if there's milk in it.
Daddy had more fun opening Jaeden's gifts than baby Jaeden did.
Which one shall he suck on first?God-mommy Bonnie and Jaeden at his very first Christmas.

Wall Paper Paste

1st Solids
Hmmmmm.....Yummy yummy in baby Jaeden's tummy!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

More from Taiwan

Ahhhh...this is the life!
With Biao Joe Joe and Biao Joe Ma
At the Chiang Kai Shek Airport getting ready to go back home after a great trip.
They give Jaeden his very own bassinette on the plane!


In a garden restaurant in Taiwan with Nana, Erica, Mommy, and Austin the pirate.
Jaeden's so ready for solid foods!
What is Jaeden thinking about? .....Hmmmmm, what will I do with all this money?!
With mommy's Goo Goo.
All eyes on ME!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Jaeden's first Thanksgiving turkey.
Wine & cheese with daddy's friend Michael. Hayward ate the entire block of cheese afterwards while the grownups ate dinner.

Mommy, Daddy, Gong Gong, Joe Joe, Joe Ma, and Michael are all very thankful to spend the evening with baby Jaeden.

Favorite Toys

Jaeden discovers his FEET! This is going to be fun!

Jaeden loves mommy's water bottle.

Monday, November 5, 2007

1st Halloween

I'll get back at mommy and daddy for this!
Winnie the Pooh

Boo at the Zoo
Mommy brought Jaeden to school for their parade.

Monday, October 22, 2007

It's Baby Party Time!

Jaeden at his first BBQ party with his new baby buddies! Well, the babies drank milk while moms and dads ate yummy foods from the grill and discussed important topics like stroller mechanics, spit ups, and weekends at Target.

Trip to Daddy's Hood

Mommy, Jaeden, and June
Peter, Ryan, and Jaeden
Jaeden and Auntie Alyssa

Jaeden's first trip to New York to meet his auntie Alyssa, his god-father Jason, great god mother June, grandma, great grandma, grandpa, and all of his daddy's friends. He felt so special, and a little scared, being the center of attention. His favorite moment was when Jason and daddy both sang "The Wheels on the Bus."

3 months

Tummy time!

World's number one little rookie

I love my daddy!

2 months

The only way for mommy to get enough tummy time into our day is to stick a mirror in front of baby Jaeden. What a vain little guy!

One Month

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rubber duckie you're the one, You make bathtime lots of fun

Well, not at first, Jaeden hated taking baths. But he loves it now! It helped when mommy and daddy finally figured out how to use the tub correctly.